Color & Flowers Mini Nature Art Course: Explore Color Through Flowers!

Get ready for my favorite element of art .... (drum roll) ... COLOR!
We'll learn all about the colors of the rainbow, their color temperature, and how to use them. We’ll also diving into the parts of a flower and why they’re so important to our earth!

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Meet your teacher

Meet your teacher ✳

My family

Ms. Abbey

Hi, artists!

My name is Ms. Abbey.

I love to draw, paint, adventure, and travel.

I’m a former homeschooler, certified elementary teacher, mom of 2, expat living in Thailand, and avid world traveller.

Can’t wait to meet you!

What you’ll learn

  • The element of color brings life to artwork! We’ll learn how to use this element and play with some color!

  • Did you know that flowers are necessary to life on earth? We’ll learn all about the parts of a flower and what they’re used for!

  • By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently sketch a lily, use elements of art in your own masterpieces, and step outside with a brand new perspective.

Course FAQ

  • How do I watch the lessons?

    Click on the first lesson in the Course Content. You will go straight to the lesson page. Play the video at the top to watch.

  • How long will this course take?

    That’s mostly up to you! I suggest completing this course over 3 weeks


    If you’d rather spread it out over 6, go for it!

  • How can I contact you if I have a question?

    Please email me anytime at I’ll respond as quickly as I can! I live in Thailand, so the response could be delayed a few hours due to the 11-12 hour time difference.